Age doesn’t matter if you love your job. At the age of 14, Lisa is already a successful confectioner

Even at the age of 9, the little girl with a very big dream Lisa realized that her life path is a confectionery business. And now she is 14 years old and she successfully bakes cakes, cupcakes and even conducts master classes. But of course, nothing would have happened without Mom’s support!

Lisa Noskova lives in Chelyabinsk and studies at school. She learned to cook from video recipes on the Internet and various culinary talk shows. And the issues of “Master Chef” she knows by heart. For five years she has been successfully earning money from the sale of confectionery and her author’s master classes. To achieve her goal, she attended various courses along with adults and interned in a real confectionery shop. This year Lisa turned 14 and there is a real rush on her Instagram page – orders for several months in advance.

Her first works were evaluated by family members, friends, relatives and neighbors. As Lisa’s mom jokes: “First she fed the whole entrance, and then she began to sell”

Mom admits that she did not immediately believe in her daughter’s talent and in the seriousness of this type of hobby. But when the girl earned money for a kneading machine and bought it, she realized that this was not a fleeting hobby at all. And on her birthday, her parents gave the girl a chef’s jacket, a hat and participation in the first culinary master class.

At the moment, Lisa Noskova has more than 150 recipes for baking and desserts in her arsenal. The cost of one of her cakes is 3-4 thousand rubles, her income is 1 thousand, and the rest covers the cost of groceries. The mother is responsible for the purchase and delivery, and she is also her daughter’s assistant. Once, in the summer, Lisa baked “Anthills” at the campsite for 75-100 pieces per day.

The girl is sure that her future is confectionery business, and plans to enroll after the 9th grade, so as not to waste time in grades 10-11.

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