A 14-year-old girl sewed a graduation dress for her sister. It turned out cooler than from the store

Courtney Lutz is a 14-year-old teenager who already understands perfectly well what she wants to do all her life.

Now Courtney is sewing dresses for her sisters.

Since early years, Lutz has been interested in design, but she has not done anything serious.

Until one day, Mikayla’s older sister asked the youngest to sew her prom dress.

A few days later, Courtney showed a sketch with a dress that her older sister liked. So the girl immediately got to work.

Here’s what Mikayla said about her prom dress: “This is the dress I dreamed of.

And it is exclusive, only mine.

Many people were interested in which store I bought such beauty.

She answered: it’s Courtney’s handiwork.”

Courtney worked on the dress on her own for about 2 months.

But the result was worth every second of that time.

“The thought that I am able to realize my idea always inspires me,” said the young Lutz.

“My graduation outfit is a masterpiece,” Mikalya did not stop complimenting her younger sister.

This dress has become a great inspiration for Lutz to believe in herself and follow her dream of becoming the professional she wants to and dreams of.

And she still has her three sisters to practice on their dresses.

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