A newborn baby girl is comforted by Husky

Millie, the husky, is often seen spending time with Daisy, the newborn infant. When the girl is weeping, the dog always seems worried and approaches her from a closer distance. When she is with her soft and cuddly companion, she is able to immediately get quiet.

The husky is said to have strong qualities of her breed, such as confidence and tenacity, but Daisy’s mother believes that since Daisy has joined the family, the dog has grown more submissive.
Many professionals are of the opinion that having a pet may have a beneficial impact on a child’s overall growth, both physically and mentally.

When a child is near a dog, they experience joy. It has been shown that spending time with a pet raises levels of the feel-good neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine in the human brain. [Citation needed] [Citation needed] In addition to that, being around dogs is a lot of fun.

Dogs, whether mutts or domestic thoroughbreds, are very smart. Always ready to help. No wonder they say the proverb „a dog is a man’s best friend”

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