Awesome news for boys and girls: the famous cartoon hero Pikachu exists

Veterinarians were brought to a strange animal very similar to a cartoon character Pikachu. To understand what kind of animal it is, specialists from Melbourne had to do a genetic analysis. In nature this is a very rare phenomenon, but in principle they are met, however, the chance of their survival is very small.

Just look how cute he is! The cutest unusual creature ever!

It’s so tiny that it even fits in a handful. Many people note its similarity to the cartoon character Pikachu. But in fact, it is a “fox kuzu”, a distant relative of possums, an Australian aborigine.

They have dark fur that has a gray or reddish hue. But it happens that the melanin level drops catastrophically in their organism, and the skin of the animal becomes light — such cases are described. So this little one had a genetic malfunction and he was born with a coat of bright golden color. And this fact makes the little creature more outstanding.

In the wild such an animal will not survive. Its color is like a bait for all predators. Therefore, the little one will be transferred to the nursery and will be studied. First of all the question of his origin, i.e. where he come from is.

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