Experiment for the sake of science: triplet brothers for 19 years did not know about each other’s existence. How the experiment ended

Dedicated scientists will go to great lengths for the sake of science.

Sometimes, without a twinge of conscience, human destinies and even lives can be put on the line…

One such scandalous case occurred in the 60s…

Peter Neubauer, a psychiatrist, researched genes and their significance in human life.

To do this, he chose living people whose destinies he decided to change himself.

They were triplets, their mother refused them in the hospital.

He separated the children, and they were given to foster families with different incomes.

The boys grew up unaware of each other’s existence.

The most interesting thing is that two of them chose the same university, and that’s where they actually met.

The guys were very surprised by this similarity, and of course they began to find out the circumstances of the adoption…

And the truth came out.

And the third brother found out everything from the news and soon met the other two.

It turned out that despite the different financial situation of the families, the brothers grew up very similar to each other.

And it’s not just about appearance, they had the same food preferences, they read the same books, watched the same movies, they had similar hobbies.

When the brothers talked, they understood each other literally from half a word.

When the whole story became public, society was outraged by Neubauer’s experiment, people accused him of inhumanity.

Although the doctor proved the importance of genes in a person’s life, this division negatively affected the brothers.

All three admitted that they were experiencing a mental problem.

One of the twins could not stand all this and voluntarily passed away.

The conclusion of the scientists was this: in no case should twins be separated and under no circumstances.

Here is such a heartless experiment, the price of which is life…

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