Fishermen met a bear with a jar on its head. They decided to take a chance and help

Everyone knows that you should keep as far away from predatory animals as possible. However, the couple decided to take a chance and help the poor bear. A couple from Wisconsin were fishing on the lake and suddenly saw something strange in the water – something was floating with a jar on its head. When this strange creature swam closer, the couple saw a young bear that needed help.

Approaching an angry bear who was desperately trying to get rid of a jar on his head was not the best idea. But the couple could not leave the animal in this state. Somehow, the predator stuck its muzzle into a plastic container and could not remove it already. The husband and wife understood that if they did not get rid of it, the bear could die without food and water, so they decided to take a chance.

Luckily, everything ended well, both for the bear and for the spouses. The couple was able to catch up with the animal, despite the fact that he kept trying to get away from the approaching boat. Several attempts were made, and they managed to remove the jar from the bear’s head. He immediately swam away without even looking at his rescuers.

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