Know your heroes. The dog that saved hundreds of koalas in Australia

You probably remember what happened in 2019-2020, the vast forests of Australia literally burned. As a result a huge number of animals and rare plants suffered. It was incredibly difficult to help them. People didn’t want to take the risk, but Bear took the risk.
Bear is a professional rescue dog. He is already a real veteran and is in his seventh year of service. Bear is a unique dog of its kind and only he is trained to track koalas in trouble.

Koalas, of course, are quite cute creatures, but they do not differ in special intelligence, in addition, they are very helpless and not able to stand up for themselves in a difficult situation. Most of the koalas simply could not survive.

They were in a panic and did not know how to get out of the forest. However, there were those who were luckier and they were able to get out of the ashes.
Bear also found koalas that are wounded so that people can help them in the future. In addition to his professional nose and skills, he was provided with personal slippers with fireproof properties, thanks to which he could run on hot surfaces.

Now there are more than a hundred koala lives saved by Bear. He performs his functions perfectly and even received the highest award for his invaluable contribution to the rescue of wildlife. So the dog is appreciated and loved.

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