„Meet Joshua Beckford, a brilliant young individual who attended Oxford.”Read this story you will understand everything

The world can improve through love and science. The main character of this tale, a bright young boy who wants to use his knowledge to save people, will not be in love. Joshua Backfort, now 14 years old, could read and write at the age of ten months. His parents claim they didn’t teach him anything special, just that the young boy enjoyed watching fairy tales and cubes with letters on them. Joshua started attending school at the age of two and completed it at six.

Joshua’s father applied to the University of Oxford, and the child was accepted for the first year. The young prodigy joined Oxford as the youngest student, simultaneously pursuing studies in philosophy and history. The child already held two degrees by the age of ten. He is a remarkable example, one of the brightest young minds globally, known as Joshua Backfort. Such children are born extremely rarely, and the geek culture has not yet been sufficiently explained by scientists.

It could be some kind of mutation. The son was autistic when he was younger, but his parents argue that he is not closed off; he is rather a serious and quiet child by nature. Anyway, Joshua is developing into a very good and loving young man. He interacts with his peers in a similar way to other children, having many interests. The young man aspires to become an astronaut in addition to continuing his studies in neurosurgery.
His top priority is ensuring people are healthy. He wants to study medicine to be able to treat all the sick. Joshua’s parents are always there for him. He has many attempts ahead of him as he is still very young before figuring out the path he wants to pursue fully.

We extend our best wishes for the young genius’s future success. He might indeed make a positive impact on our planet.

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