Sad beginning but great contonuation: the story of the girl without legs who has set 18 world records

On February 29, 1992, a girl was born in an ordinary family.

But unfortunately, she had a serious pathology: she did not have the tibia, ankles and many bones of the foot.

The diagnosis was stunning: the baby will never be able to walk.

Being a child herself, the 16-year-old mother left her…

And now a lot of time has passed, the little girl grew up and walks perfectly, and not only walks, but has become a champion and has reached many heights in sports.

For almost a year, the girl was transferred from an orphanage to an orphanage.

Until 1993, she was adopted by a family from America.

The Longs already had two children at that time, but they always dreamed of a large and strong family.

It was decided that the girl needed to be fitted with good prostheses, so a number of operations were performed and since then, the girl not only walks perfectly, but also swims like a real mermaid!

Her parents took her swimming, and then the coach puzzled them: she swims very fast, faster than children with legs.

Already at the age of 12, she won three gold medals.

She has already won 18 world records.

And she’s not going to stop.

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