British baby Patrick George is only one and a half years old, and he already has 18 thousand followers on Instagram. During his life, the boy earned 13 thousand pounds thanks to his account.
Natasha Maxwell, Patrick’s mom, created an account a few months after his birth in order to share photos with family and friends. Then she could not imagine that it would bring financial profit.
Some brands liked his pictures. From them, his parents received offers to advertise them. The kid received designer clothes, a refrigerator and tickets to the Disney on Ice show from sponsors.
„When I posted the first picture of my son, I didn’t think that social networks could be used profitably somehow. I started a page for Patrick as a place to store photos and to share them with friends and relatives. People started liking and commenting on our posts. Soon several thousand people had already signed up for our baby. It’s just crazy,” Maxwell admitted.
She also adds that their example shows how parents can use social networks in a good and positive way. Instagram has brought great benefits to their family and helped them get things for free that they didn’t have money for before.