The baby pygmy marmoset was in great trouble and it was a luck for him to meet Venancio that day

So I want people not to forget to do good, if not a whole feat, then at least a small selfless deed!

Today we want to tell you one little story that will prove that doing good is easy!

A Brazilian named Igor Venancio was walking in the park, suddenly he saw that a crowd of children had gathered in the middle of the path, they were looking at something very enthusiastically.

It turned out that there was a small animal lying on the ground.

It was a baby Pygmy marmoset.

These animals are habitual inhabitants of this area and Igor has seen them more than once.

They are not dangerous, but like any animal, they do not trust people.

These animals prefer trees, and if they find themselves on the ground, they are in great danger.

This is a game in ordinary life.

On the tree, the man saw the mother, who was very worried.

He ordered the children to disperse to make room around the cub, but the mother did not dare to go down to him.

Any random car, a bird of prey or an ordinary cat and a monkey is in trouble.

And then the man himself took the baby took the baby to his mother.

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