The boy was 8, and he and his family were homeless. He had an idea for a business, and 8 months later, he and his family bought an apartment

Due to the economy and debts, the family of an eight-year-old boy was on
the verge of losing their home. The adults couldn’t figure out how to
get out of the situation, but the boy was smarter.

He came up with an idea for a business, and 8 months later,
he bought an apartment.

With three kids, Berenice Pacheco couldn’t pay the high rent on time
for an apartment in Los Angeles. Because of viruses, the woman lost
her job and had to quit.

Bérénice had to move into a barn, which didn’t have enough of the things
you need to live.

During a nice conversation with her eight-year-old son Aaron, the woman
suggested that he start his own business and learn how to buy toys on
his own. Berenice quickly forgot what they had talked about, but the
boy thought about it a lot.

When nighttime came, the boy decided to start selling the plants he
had bought. He bought eight succulents at a nearby market with the
$12 he had saved. He was able to sell them for 16 dollars, which is
a small profit.

Every day, more and more adults gave the boy tips, which made his
money grow.

Aaron made his own Instagram page to sell things. His story was quickly
told in the news, which made even more people aware of it.

Then, a group of people who cared about Aaron’s family held an auction
to help them.

Since starting the business eight months ago, the boy has made as much as
$40,000 through auctions.

This money was enough for the family to buy a small apartment on the edge
of town that was all theirs. And the business keeps growing as more and
more people hear about the boy who started his own business.

Aaron won’t leave it there. He wants to buy his family a better home next year.


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