The boy with a delay in intellectual development shows amazing results and IQ level

In the USA three years ago, Sarah Lundberg gave birth to premature twins.

Gwendolyn’s little girl was fine.

And the doctors predicted a delay in intellectual development for the boy Lawson.

However, due to the high IQ level, the kid was accepted into the international club of intellectuals at the age of three.

The gifted boy was written about on the Good News Network website.

If the twin girl developed normally, then the boy in the first two years of life really lagged behind.

But, according to хис mother, a change suddenly happened to him: he did not know how to speak recently, but he quickly began to catch up with his sister in development, and then overtook her.

He managed to learn words and concepts that his parents didn’t even mention.

So, in winter, when the family stayed at home with the electricity turned off for several days because of the icy rain, the boy learned the names of all the countries of the world and their capitals.

Then his parents realized that he had learned to read without their help.

Lawson’s mom was very surprised by this.

Currently, the boy is three years old.

He knows all 50 US states, 195 countries of the world with the names of their capitals, and also distinguishes the flags of these states.

The baby’s vocabulary increases very quickly.

The interest in knowledge amazes others.

The Lundbergs decided to enroll their son in the famous international club of intellectuals Mensa – it unites people with the highest IQ.

According to the test results, with a minimum value of 130 points, the IQ level of three-year-old Lawson was 151 points.

By the way, for an adult Einstein, this indicator was 160-180 points.

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