The cat was saved from the street. But this was not the only good thing in her life

In mid-April stray animals have difficulties among the ice and snow of Greenland.

So few can overcome the severe winter and prolonged spring frosts.

The cat named Ulla was twice lucky: she not only found a shelter, but also learnt something new about herself.

At the shelter Dyrenes Venner says she is eager for contact but always expects to be caught up and therefore often looks comical.


The opportunity to share it with the whole world soon presented itself.

After a while, the cat suddenly gained weight, changed her habits and was sent for a check-up.

The smart machine honestly showed – Ulla the pussy is expecting kittens, and the birth is already very close.

The surprise was not so much for people as for the future mom, which the shelter employee Tony Frank brilliantly managed to capture in one photo.

Look at the expression of this muzzle: “How, are you serious? I’m going to have kittens?”

But what is more interesting and much more important is that this helped Ulla to find a new home.

She has already moved into a new family, for a trial period, but it is very likely that all the kittens will be kept with mom.


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