The couple wanted a big family: Sextuplets in place of their fourth child

Even though she already had three boys, this mother still wanted to have a girl, and luck gave her gear.

There are nine children in the Waldrop family. Courtney and Eric had been together for 22 years. During this time, the woman had a son and twins.

The first child was given the name Sailor. Courtney got pregnant again when the child was 3 years old, which made the couple very happy. Wales and Bridge, both boys, were born.

Mrs. Waldrop’s sons are doing well, but she always wanted a daughter and was ready to have one. When the woman became pregnant for the fourth time, an ultrasound revealed she would have six more children.

“If you asked me how I felt when I found out that we were going to have six children, I would say that I probably thought it was impossible.

It’s hard, but you just have to get used to it and force yourself to work and live on a schedule. The system is always and in everything that helps us deal with problems. Courtney says, “It’s the new normal, crazy as it is.” »

Doctors were always there to help the woman give birth. The cubs were born in a hospital in Huntsville, Alabama. Each baby weighed less than a kilogram at birth. But the experts were able to save the lives of all the little ones.

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