The couple went for a walk after the rain. What they found during the walk was their dream

It is unlikely that anyone will be surprised by the May thunderstorms. after all, they are a kind of symbol of this month.

The sun can shine brightly, and then, in the blink of an eye, thunderclouds will block the sky and bring down a powerful torrent of rain.

However, the May showers end just as quickly and are accompanied by the same warm sun and rainbow, also characteristic of this month.

Anton and Anastasia, happy newlyweds, waited for a thunderstorm in the apartment, and as soon as the sun came out again, they went for a walk.

They pulled on rubber boots and windbreakers to prevent themselves from getting wet in case of a second thunderstorm.

They started joking that they were going to look for the edge of the rainbow.

The couple walked along the path adjacent to the forest belt, they walked carefully, trying to step over dirty puddles.

And so, to the side, among the dense thickets of bushes, they heard a faint squeak and immediately a charming dog jumped out, who looked at them and began to shake off the rain in a funny way.

Anastasia began to babble with the baby and say that he rolled to them from the rainbow.

She had long dreamed of a dog and accepted this crumb as a gift of fate.

The puppy, after saying that he had escaped from the rainbow, began to jump merrily and wag his tail, as if understanding and agreeing.

So the walk ended with finding a new friend for the young couple, and the dog from the rainbow found a home and a loving family.

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