The girl doesn’t feel pain: curse or a gift

A nine-year-old girl suffers from a rare disease, which is expressed in the fact that the hemispheres of her brain are not connected, as it should be.

The disease, which is called AMT, means that even when Alice touches a hot oven burning her, she will not react in any way.

The schoolgirl’s illness, which has made her pain threshold extremely high, is so rare that only 50 people in the world are known to suffer from it.

This also means that the girl is unable to describe the pain, despite the fact that she, like all children, suffers from colds and tonsillitis.

„Alice falls and knocks down her knees just like all children, but she doesn’t react to it,” says the girl’s mother, 37-year-old Lindsay. „She never cried and I started to wonder if she had tear ducts at all.”

The danger of the disease is that when a girl gets sick, she cannot feel that something is wrong with her.

Her mother has to constantly make sure that the child is safe and does not harm himself.

„One day she put her hand on a hot stove, but continued to play as if nothing had happened,” says the mother. „Another time she badly bruised her forehead, but she didn’t even pay attention to it.”

AMT was diagnosed in Alice when she was 19 months old, writes the British online edition of Mail Online in the latest issue.

The disease is defined as the complete or partial absence of the corpus callosum, a structure that connects the two hemispheres of the brain.

It occurs in cases when the nerve fibers that form the corpus callosum are not formed, which means that signals cannot be transmitted between the hemispheres of the brain.

A rare genetic disease also causes a lag in brain development.


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