The homeless man returned the check for 10 thousand dollars to its owner. The end of the story is stunning

Elmer Alvarez was homeless and wandered along Church Street in New Haven, Connecticut. Once, in one of these “walks” a man saw a piece of paper on the ground. Without suspecting anything, he picked it up, this “piece of paper” turned out to be a check for 10 thousand dollars! Most people on the planet would have taken it as a gift of fate, but Elmer acted differently…

On the receipt you could see the name and surname of the owner. Alvarez went to his friend, who had a house, to find a woman on the Internet. It turned out that this is the owner of a real estate agency. Elmer called Hoski and they made an appointment. On the same day, the man returned the check. To say that Roberta was shocked means say nothing. She was very touched by the homeless man’s act. She shared with the man her life story, that she, too, had once been homeless. ‘’But then I learned and was able to build my own business.’’

Roberta took Elmer to study at her real estate school absolutely for free. And also gave him a generous bonus. And then, her company provided him free housing and paid for an English course for him.

Returning the check, Alvarez did not even count on such a gift of fate. But he definitely realized that he had received a huge chance to change his life. “Angels live not only in heaven, but also on earth,” the man says.

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