The level of honesty: a teenager found a safe stolen 22 years ago and returned the money to the owner

15-year-old George Tyndale and his father found the safe box when they were using a magnet to comb the bottom of the river in Lincolnshire.

Inside were 2.5 thousand Australian dollars, a license to store weapons.

Thanks to the documents found, the Tyndales managed to find the owner of the money. It turned out to be businessman Rob Everett.

As it turned out, the safe was stolen from his office in 2000.

The father and son contacted the entrepreneur and gave him back the property lost 22 years ago.

According to Everett, the theft from his office was committed by a 13-year-old teenager, who was quickly caught because he left his cap with his name embroidered on it at the crime scene.

However, he most likely could not open the safe and got rid of it as an extra piece of evidence.

Rob Everett, who runs a financial company, was very pleased with the noble act of the Tyndales and said that if George wants to work in finance, there will always be an open vacancy in his firm.

Earlier it was reported that in New York, a visitor from Honduras gave back a lost wallet with a large amount of money.

A passerby found a purse with 4000USD and handed it over to the police.

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