The man saved the bear from drowning. Not everyone would dare

The bear wandered into the yard of an apartment building in California. The owners decided to call the police to drive the beast away, but he did not want to leave. And then the police decided to shoot the bear with a dart containing to make it sleep. As soon as the substance began to gradually act, the beast ran towards the ocean in a panic, and then passed out during the swim. As it turned out, this was not the best solution. The further the animal swam, the stronger the substance acted, until it began to fall asleep and drown at the same time.

And then a man named Adam Warwick, a biologist, decided to act without delay and rushed into the ocean to save the animal. Eyewitnesses were shocked by what was happening and started filming it on camera. Adam later shared that when he saw the animal drowning, his adrenaline rose in his blood and he did not even think about the fact that the animal was large and scared.

When he swam up, the bear was already coming to consciousness, but he could not stay afloat, his paws were failing. Adam reacted instantly, grabbing him by the neck and holding the animal’s head above the water while swimming. It wasn’t easy, but the man didn’t give up. He took the bear, which weighed two hundred kg, to dry land and continued to hold it, since the effect of the substance and the state of shock had not yet completely passed. The biologist was almost unharmed, except for a couple of scratches from bear paws.

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