The policeman fed the homeless woman and sat down to eat with her. And all thanks to the inscription on her T-shirt

Everyone deserves a kind and human attitude, whether they are rich people or beggars. Michael Rivers, who lives in North Carolina, USA, adheres to this life principle. He works as a policeman. One day, while driving around his territory, he saw a homeless woman sitting by the road. And the inscription on her T-shirt pushed him to talk to her. “Becoming homeless is the fastest way to become nobody” – that’s what was written on the homeless woman’s T-shirt.

Michael drove closer to her and asked if she had eaten today, she replied that she had not. Then the man went to the nearest restaurant, took food with him and sat down next to her for lunch. As it turned out, the homeless woman’s name is Michelle. As Michael says, they sat together for about an hour, during which they managed to have a heart-to-heart talk. These people were photographed by passers-by at lunch just on the street.

Later the man admits that he realized a lot and realized that he is even somewhat similar to this woman. As a rule, homeless people are often ignored by society. And police officers are considered cruel and soulless, although they all chose this profession to protect people, and not just put them behind bars. Let’s not judge people by their appearance and status, but treat everyone kindly and humanly.

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