It’s not a secret that little ones who grow up with pets have a big kind heart, they have an increased sense of responsibility and discipline.
This boy is only 6 years old, but a kind-hearted person already lives in him, always ready to help weak and defenseless animals. He has more than a hundred rescued dogs and cats to his credit.
He was three years old when his father took him to an animal shelter to choose a gift for the boy’s older sister. And this day influenced the future life of the whole family. Since then, their house has always been full of well-groomed and grateful pets.
The boy and his father pick up stray animals from the streets and their backyards and take them home, where hot water is waiting for the foundlings to wash off the old dirt and get rid of blood-sucking insects.
There was a time when twenty-eight cats lived at the same time in their small three-room apartment! Sometimes they had to borrow money from friends and acquaintances in order to pay regular bills for the treatment of found animals.
But the world is not without good people. Over time, the residents of the city began to learn more about the father and his little son, who could not remain indifferent to unnecessary four-legged animals and began to provide help in the form of food and money.
The nearest veterinary clinics and pet stores also know the Shapranov family well and go to meet them, offering them tangible discounts.