There are still kind people around us. The neighbors got together and repaired the pensioner’s house

In the state of New Jersey, USA, there is a law according to which all owners of houses and plots must keep them in order and clean: they must be tinted and repaired in time to make the street look neat and tidy.

But unfortunately, there are some people who are simply unable to adhere to such requirements.

Someone simply does not have enough money for all this, and someone does not do it because of health and age.

In such a situation was Ann Glancy.

She was no longer able to put her house and yard in order.

The paint had long since peeled off, and the area looked abandoned for a long time. In addition, the woman’s pension is not large, she only had enough to live on.

Because of this, she simply did not have the opportunity to constantly take care of her house.

But fortunately, Ann turned out to have very kind and good neighbors.

They decided to raise funds and put the house in order on their own.

At first, the woman was embarrassed and she refused this idea.

But soon she received a huge fine, which she simply did not have the money to pay.

And she agreed.

Then the neighbors were joined by their friends and the work began to boil.

It was a pleasure to work with such a huge company, and most importantly quickly.

The assistants worked on weekends almost all summer.

And soon the house was hard to recognize.

It was sheathed with new boards, windows and porch were repaired.

Ann eventually made friends with the employees, and they began to visit her periodically.

Ann would have paid at least $10,000 for such repairs, but the good neighbors did everything at their own expense.

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