Twins, especially when there are more than two, always attract attention. They are perceived as a marvel of nature, and in our day and age, it can be said that their birth is closely related to the advancement of medicine.
Medical ethics are focused on the task of preserving the mother’s health and delivering healthy babies, so the establishment of a multiple pregnancy is considered on an individual basis. Typically, specialists recommend a procedure called reduction.

Fourteen years ago, Varvara and Dmitry had no doubts. As religious people, they categorically rejected the possibility of such intervention. This couple went through a lot in their attempts to become parents. They lost their first child, and then, after extensive examinations and dashed hopes, Varya decided to undergo hormonal therapy. And now they were faced with the prospect of becoming parents to five babies at once.
The happiness of the couple was overshadowed not only by the concerns associated with a multiple pregnancy but also by the problem of lacking medical assistance. None of the Moscow clinics wanted to take on the responsibility because it was anticipated that the children would be born prematurely.
They were advised to seek medical care at a foreign clinic. The financial situation of the Artamkin family did not allow them to cover the expenses, so they decided to share their problem in the media. Fortunately, an anonymous benefactor was found who paid for the services in one of the London clinics.
Varvara managed to carry the babies until the 23rd week, after which they were placed in incubators. They all survived, and after almost six months, the family of seven returned to Moscow. At the airport, they were greeted by officials with the keys to a four-bedroom apartment. This was undoubtedly a great help, but particularly in the early years, the young parents faced many challenges.
All five sisters differ in appearance and character. They are simply impossible to mix up. They excel in their studies, attend various clubs, and go to Sunday church school. The Artamkin spouses are educators by profession. After the birth of the girls, the mother left her job at the school, and now the father, a mathematics teacher at a university, is the sole breadwinner in the family. They live harmoniously and happily, never regretting their choice.