This woman gave birth to 4 children in just 11 months! How come

30-year-old British Becky Jones managed to give birth to four children in just 11 months!

The woman became pregnant with triplets in the first weeks after the birth of her daughter Mia.

At first, Becky thought that she would give birth to a brother or sister, but no one expected that there would be three of them at once!

“When passers-by stop to look at the babies, they can’t believe that I gave birth to four in less than a year.

It’s hard to believe, and it was a shock for me when I found out that I was expecting triplets.”

However, Becky admits that she and her husband deliberately tried to get pregnant right after Mia was born.

“We tried it for only a week when I was already pregnant.

It all happened so fast.”

The couple also have a 9-year-old daughter, Kayla.

“We just decided to try to have another child.

Kayla is already big, so I wanted Mia to have company.

We thought it would take a long time for me to get pregnant again, so we started literally right after giving birth.

But just a couple of weeks later I saw two strips on the test!”

When the doctor saw three fetuses on the ultrasound, Becky was shocked.

“I was just staring at the screen to make sure it was true.

I counted the heartbeats, and realized that it was really triplets.

It was a natural conception, and all babies are fraternal, which is very rare.

The doctors said that this is the safest option for triplets, since each of them has its own placenta and the risks are small.”

The pregnancy proceeded well, and at the 34th week Becky had a Caesarean section.

The babies—Ryan, Raya and Phoebe—were born healthy.

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