Hide and seek is also their favorite game. Some ideas where your pets can be found

We used to consider cats, perhaps, the sweetest and most affectionate of pets.

Sometimes you even forget that in fact the purring miracle is a real predator.

This means that in every “white and fluffy” seal, a formidable hunter with an innate ability to disguise himself and sneak up on prey is dozing.

And of course, to hide in an ambush to ambush this very prey. It is clear that it is useless to resist instincts.

So often our charming fuzzies arrange a “hunt” right in the apartment.

And sometimes they manage to “disguise themselves” so successfully that the owners cannot find out for hours where their beloved pet has touched.

That’s how the heroes of our today’s selection, who are real champions and unsurpassed masters, hide in the most unexpected places.

Now find where the cat ends

Vacuum cleaner again…

How is it – you’ve been looking for me all day?!

Found a quiet place

A great crib for crumbs

That’s where the little ones won’t get to me

Don’t you see the cat? He is there!

You can’t see me, you can’t see me… no, you seem to have noticed

Honey, we have some light bulbs on in our drawer

Looks like the mission failed

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