About success: an 11-year-old American girl became the CEO of the company and a millionaire

A resident of Texas, USA, created her own brand of lemonade and became the CEO of the company at the age of 11.

17-year-old millionaire Mikayla Ulmer said that she first thought about her own business when she was four years old.

It was then that the American woman’s great-grandmother gave her her 1940s cookbook with a recipe for lemonade from flax seeds.

Ulmer improved the recipe, reduced the amount of sugar, added honey and started selling lemonade at a kiosk near the house.

She made the decision to use honey for a reason.

Shortly before the start of lemonade production, an American woman was stung twice by bees, and then her mother told her about the peculiarities of these insects.

During the conversation, it turned out that honey bees are under threat of extinction, and their disappearance will affect both nature and people.

Then Ulmer realized that she wanted to become a social entrepreneur and not only earn money, but also to protect bees and preserve their population.

The girl called her company “Me and the bees”.

In 2016, she signed a contract with a large retail chain that purchased lemonade for $ 11 million.

She donated part of the money to organizations involved in the rescue of bees.

For those who dream of starting their own business, Ulmer recommended doing what the soul really lies for and being ready for hard work.

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